Lentil Rice Chick Pea Veggie Loaf is a delicious vegan treat to serve for any festive meal. The lentils will take up to 4 hours to cook, so it is best to start them early in the morning, and put the rice on to cook when the lentils begin to soften. The rest of the preparation time will take about 30 minutes, and the loaf baking time will take from 10 to 30 minutes depending upon the size of the baking or loaf pan.
Pictured on the plate in the photo with the lentil rice chick pea veggie loaf is Spiced Plantain Brown Rice Vegetables.
Lentil Rice Chick Pea Veggie Loaf Ingredients:
4 cups Lentils cooked in 8 cups water
3 cups Chickpea (Chick Pea) Flour
2 cups Brown Rice cooked in 4 cups water
2-3 Onions
1-2 Potatoes
3-4 Celery, ribs
1/2 lb. Carrots
3-4 Garlic, cloves (optional)
2 – 6-oz. cans Tomato Paste
4 tbsp. Molasses, unsulfured
2 tbsp. Bragg Aminos or Soy Sauce
2 tbsp. Oregano, dried leaves
Cayenne Pepper or Hot Sauce, to taste
Lentil Rice Chick Pea Veggie Loaf Cooking Utensils:
Baking Pan, Glass
Baking Pan, Small Ceramic
Covered Glass Cooking Pot
Dish, Glass Baking
Knives, Inexpensive Utility
Large Cooking Spoons
Measuring Cup, Liquid
Measuring Cups, Dry
Pot, Large Stainless Steel
Measuring Spoons
Potato Masher
Smood Masher
Vegetable Peelers
Lentil Rice Chick Pea Veggie Loaf Preparation:
This recipe makes approximately 7 quarts of veggie loaf mix, which is also great for making veggie burgers that can be frozen for later use. This recipe will make 14 servings of veggie loaf, and is great as a leftover, which seems to enhance the flavor.
Begin by placing 2 pots on the stovetop with the appropriate amount of water for the lentils and rice in each, and turn the heat on high to bring the water to a boil. While the water is heating, measure out the lentils and rice, and clean as necessary. When the water boils, add the lentils and rice to their respective pots, cover, lower the heat to simmer, and cook until all the water is absorbed, and the lentils and rice are tender.
While the lentils and rice are cooking, clean and peel the potatoes, carrots, celery, onion, and garlic. Cut the veggies into chunks and place in the container of a high speed blender. Cover the container and run the blender at high speed until the veggies are pureed. Pour the veggie puree into a large microwaveable covered dish, add the oregano and hot sauce, and cook on high setting for about 10 minutes.
Note: We grind our own chickpeas to make flour in our Vita-Mix dry container.
Combining ingredients:
When the puree is cooked, add the tomato paste, molasses, and soy sauce, and mix together, and transfer to a large soup pot for mashing and mixing all the ingredients together.
When the lentils and rice are cooked, add to the puree mixture in a large pot, and mix together. Using a potato masher, mash the mixture until about 1/2 of the lentils are broken. Add the chickpea flour in thirds and mash and thoroughly mix together (repeat until all of the chickpea flour is blended into the mix).
The lentil rice chick pea veggie loaf can be baked in a large baking pan in the oven at 350 degrees F. until the surface firms, or it can be baked on “high” in smaller baking dishes in the microwave oven, as we usually do. In the photo, we coated the surface of the loaf with Cayenne Ketchup and sliced onions before baking.
Any leftovers can be stored in the covered baking dishes, or in another covered container. We also like to save the leftovers without the final baking, and final bake when we want to eat it, or use it to make burgers. We believe that the leftover flavor is better than the flavor of the original serving. With only the two of us, we can cook once and have meals for 4-5 days.
Serve with a large salad, cranberry relish, and/or a baked sweet potato. Enjoy! Makes a great dish for a vegan Thanksgiving or any other festive meal!
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